THE POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES - Les Adjectifs Possessifs - Exercises - Beginner Level
Bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode de FrenchAllOver !
Le sujet de cet épisode sera l'étude d'un point de grammaire qui porte parfois un peu à confusion pour les anglophones, il s'agit des possessifs.
Welcome to this new episode of FrenchAllOver !
This episode's subject will be the study of a grammar point, sometimes a little confusing for English speakers, the possessives.
In French like in English the possessif adjectif comes before the noun.
Par exemple, my name (mon nom), your house (ta maison), his car (sa voiture), our cat (notre chat)...
Quand j'étais enfant, a l'école élémentaire, on devait chanter les adjectifs possessifs sur l'air de la chanson enfantine "Frere Jacques".
When I was little, in school, we had to sing the possessive adjectives on the air of the kid's song "Frere Jacques" .
In this short song, you would have all the possessive adjectives listed.
Let's start by what belongs to me, so "MY". In French it will be translated by "MON", "MA" or "MES".
Par exemple:
My dog. chien is masculine so we will use "mon", MON chien.
My car. voiture is feminine so we will use "ma", MA voiture.
In plural you will use "mes" for feminine and masculine so my dogs will be
MES chiens and my cars will be MES voitures.
For what belongs to you, so "YOUR". In French it will be translated by "TON", "TA" or "TES".
Par exemple :
Your apartment, appartement is masculine so we will use "ton", TON appartemement.
Your house, maison is feminine, so we will use "ta", TA maison.
In plural, you will use "tes" for feminine and masculine so your apartments will be
TES appartements and your houses will be TES maisons.
For what belong to him or her, so "HIS" or "HER". In French, it will be translated by "SON", "SA" or "SES" depending on the gender of the noun that follows and not like in English of the gender of the possessor.
That's a very important distinction !
That it belongs to a man or a woman has no influence on the possessive's choice.
What matters is the gender of the noun that will follow the possessive adjectif.
Par exemple:
His son, because fils is masculine, we will use "son", SON fils.
Her son, the same, SON fils because like I said what matters is the gender of the noun that follows the adjectif and not the gender of the possessor.
His daughter, because fille is feminine, we will use "sa", SA fille.
Her daughter, the same, SA fille. still because fille is feminine.
In plural, for feminine and masculine nouns you will use "ses", so to say his or her sons, it will be SES fils and to say his or her daughters, it will be SES filles.
For what belongs to us, so "OUR". In French it will be translated by "NOTRE" or "NOS", depending if the noun that follows is singular or plural.
NOTRE for the feminine and the masculine singular and NOS for the feminine and the masculine plural.
Par exemple:
Our computer, ordinateur is masculine and singular so NOTRE ordinateur,
Our table, table is feminine and singular, so NOTRE table.
We don't need anymore to care to now if the noun is feminine or masculine because in both case we will use "notre".
In plural, if you want to say our computers, it will be NOS ordinateurs and to translate our tables, it will be NOS tables.
For what belong to the second person plural, you plural, so "YOUR" . In French it will be tranlated by "VOTRE" or "VOS".
VOTRE for the feminine and the masculine singular and VOS for the feminine and the masculine plural.
Par exemple:
Your office, bureau is masculine and singular so, VOTRE bureau.
Your room, chambre is feminine and singular so, VOTRE chambre.
Again we don't need anymore to care to now if the noun is feminine or masculine because in both case we will use "votre".
In plural, it you want to say your offices it will be VOS bureaux and your rooms, it will be VOS chambres.
For what belong to them, so "THEIR", it will be translated by "LEUR".
Par exemple:
Their coat, manteau is masculine and singular, so LEUR manteau.
Their shirt, chemise is feminine and singular so LEUR chemise.
In plural, orally it will sound the same but in written "leur" will take a final "s", so their coats will be LEURS manteaux et their shirts will be LEURS chemises.
There is an exception, like often with French language.
We just saw that if the noun is feminine and we want to say "my" or "your" or "his" or "her" we will use the feminine possessif, "ma", or "ta" or "sa" but the exception states that if the feminine noun starts with a vowel, the possessif will have to be masculine.
Par exemple:
school in French is "école", it is feminine and it starts with a vowel.
SO if you want to say my school, logically it would have been ma école but because of the exception rule we will have to use the masculine possessif therefore mon, mon école.
Your school will be ton école and not ta école.
His or Her school will be son école and not sa école.
For "our, plural "your" and "their", there is no change since the feminine and the masculine possessives are the same, so our school is notre école, your school is votre école and their school is leur école.
To say "my", "your", "his" or "her", look if the noun is feminine or masculin, singular or plural to decide between "mon", "ton", "son" or "mes" if the noun is plural.
To say "our", "your", "their", look if the noun is singular or plural to decide between "notre", "votre", "leur" or "nos", "vos" , "leurs".
1- Je fais ..........exercices avec .............amie Marie dans ..............chambre.
2- Tu étudies .........leçon avec ............livre et ..........notes parce que tu vas passer ........ examen mardi prochain, avec ...........copains, dans ..........classe.
3- Alice prend ............. sac et ...........clés pour partir dans .............voiture. Elle va acheter un cadeau pour ..........maman parce que c’est ............. anniversaire.
4- Alain écoute .......... cassette de rock avec .......... baladeur quand il va à ......... école.
5- Nous sommes dans ......... classe avec de maths. Nous faisons ......... exercices et ........... calculs ensemble, de cette manière nous consultons .......... doutes.
6- -Monsieur! Vous partez sans ............gants et sans ............ manteau.
7- Les enfants montrent ................ photos de .............. vacances à .........amis. Ils sont avec ...........tante Sophie et .............oncle Paul dans ............ maison à la plage.
8- Je donne .............. exercices de français à ....... professeur de cette manière je corrige ............. erreurs.
9- Tu présentes .......parents: .......... père, ........mère et ........frère Jean et ......sœur Claire à ........... nouveau copain.
10- Il fait très froid : 0 degré, alors Marc met ........ anorak, .......... écharpe grise, .........gants de laine, ........bonnet et........ bottes avant de sortir de chez lui.
Bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode de FrenchAllOver !
Le sujet de cet épisode sera l'étude d'un point de grammaire qui porte parfois un peu à confusion pour les anglophones, il s'agit des possessifs.
Welcome to this new episode of FrenchAllOver !
This episode's subject will be the study of a grammar point, sometimes a little confusing for English speakers, the possessives.
In French like in English the possessif adjectif comes before the noun.
Par exemple, my name (mon nom), your house (ta maison), his car (sa voiture), our cat (notre chat)...
Quand j'étais enfant, a l'école élémentaire, on devait chanter les adjectifs possessifs sur l'air de la chanson enfantine "Frere Jacques".
When I was little, in school, we had to sing the possessive adjectives on the air of the kid's song "Frere Jacques" .
In this short song, you would have all the possessive adjectives listed.
Let's start by what belongs to me, so "MY". In French it will be translated by "MON", "MA" or "MES".
Par exemple:
My dog. chien is masculine so we will use "mon", MON chien.
My car. voiture is feminine so we will use "ma", MA voiture.
In plural you will use "mes" for feminine and masculine so my dogs will be
MES chiens and my cars will be MES voitures.
For what belongs to you, so "YOUR". In French it will be translated by "TON", "TA" or "TES".
Par exemple :
Your apartment, appartement is masculine so we will use "ton", TON appartemement.
Your house, maison is feminine, so we will use "ta", TA maison.
In plural, you will use "tes" for feminine and masculine so your apartments will be
TES appartements and your houses will be TES maisons.
For what belong to him or her, so "HIS" or "HER". In French, it will be translated by "SON", "SA" or "SES" depending on the gender of the noun that follows and not like in English of the gender of the possessor.
That's a very important distinction !
That it belongs to a man or a woman has no influence on the possessive's choice.
What matters is the gender of the noun that will follow the possessive adjectif.
Par exemple:
His son, because fils is masculine, we will use "son", SON fils.
Her son, the same, SON fils because like I said what matters is the gender of the noun that follows the adjectif and not the gender of the possessor.
His daughter, because fille is feminine, we will use "sa", SA fille.
Her daughter, the same, SA fille. still because fille is feminine.
In plural, for feminine and masculine nouns you will use "ses", so to say his or her sons, it will be SES fils and to say his or her daughters, it will be SES filles.
For what belongs to us, so "OUR". In French it will be translated by "NOTRE" or "NOS", depending if the noun that follows is singular or plural.
NOTRE for the feminine and the masculine singular and NOS for the feminine and the masculine plural.
Par exemple:
Our computer, ordinateur is masculine and singular so NOTRE ordinateur,
Our table, table is feminine and singular, so NOTRE table.
We don't need anymore to care to now if the noun is feminine or masculine because in both case we will use "notre".
In plural, if you want to say our computers, it will be NOS ordinateurs and to translate our tables, it will be NOS tables.
For what belong to the second person plural, you plural, so "YOUR" . In French it will be tranlated by "VOTRE" or "VOS".
VOTRE for the feminine and the masculine singular and VOS for the feminine and the masculine plural.
Par exemple:
Your office, bureau is masculine and singular so, VOTRE bureau.
Your room, chambre is feminine and singular so, VOTRE chambre.
Again we don't need anymore to care to now if the noun is feminine or masculine because in both case we will use "votre".
In plural, it you want to say your offices it will be VOS bureaux and your rooms, it will be VOS chambres.
For what belong to them, so "THEIR", it will be translated by "LEUR".
Par exemple:
Their coat, manteau is masculine and singular, so LEUR manteau.
Their shirt, chemise is feminine and singular so LEUR chemise.
In plural, orally it will sound the same but in written "leur" will take a final "s", so their coats will be LEURS manteaux et their shirts will be LEURS chemises.
There is an exception, like often with French language.
We just saw that if the noun is feminine and we want to say "my" or "your" or "his" or "her" we will use the feminine possessif, "ma", or "ta" or "sa" but the exception states that if the feminine noun starts with a vowel, the possessif will have to be masculine.
Par exemple:
school in French is "école", it is feminine and it starts with a vowel.
SO if you want to say my school, logically it would have been ma école but because of the exception rule we will have to use the masculine possessif therefore mon, mon école.
Your school will be ton école and not ta école.
His or Her school will be son école and not sa école.
For "our, plural "your" and "their", there is no change since the feminine and the masculine possessives are the same, so our school is notre école, your school is votre école and their school is leur école.
To say "my", "your", "his" or "her", look if the noun is feminine or masculin, singular or plural to decide between "mon", "ton", "son" or "mes" if the noun is plural.
To say "our", "your", "their", look if the noun is singular or plural to decide between "notre", "votre", "leur" or "nos", "vos" , "leurs".
1- Je fais ..........exercices avec .............amie Marie dans ..............chambre.
2- Tu étudies .........leçon avec ............livre et ..........notes parce que tu vas passer ........ examen mardi prochain, avec ...........copains, dans ..........classe.
3- Alice prend ............. sac et ...........clés pour partir dans .............voiture. Elle va acheter un cadeau pour ..........maman parce que c’est ............. anniversaire.
4- Alain écoute .......... cassette de rock avec .......... baladeur quand il va à ......... école.
5- Nous sommes dans ......... classe avec de maths. Nous faisons ......... exercices et ........... calculs ensemble, de cette manière nous consultons .......... doutes.
6- -Monsieur! Vous partez sans ............gants et sans ............ manteau.
7- Les enfants montrent ................ photos de .............. vacances à .........amis. Ils sont avec ...........tante Sophie et .............oncle Paul dans ............ maison à la plage.
8- Je donne .............. exercices de français à ....... professeur de cette manière je corrige ............. erreurs.
9- Tu présentes .......parents: .......... père, ........mère et ........frère Jean et ......sœur Claire à ........... nouveau copain.
10- Il fait très froid : 0 degré, alors Marc met ........ anorak, .......... écharpe grise, .........gants de laine, ........bonnet et........ bottes avant de sortir de chez lui.
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