Summary PODCAST, Season 1, Episode 16 Parlons dans cet é pisode de FrenchAllOver des faux-amis, ces mots francais qui ressemblent à des mots anglais mais qui ont une toute autre signification. Let's talk in this episode of FrenchAllOver about the false friends, those French words which look like English words but which carry a total different meaning. Je vais voir avec vous 65 de ces faux-amis fr é quemment utilis é s. I am going to see with you 65 of those commonly used faux-amis. LISTE Achever / to finish, to complete Actuel / current Actuellement / currently (une) Affaire / business (un) Agenda / diary Agr é able / pleasant (un) Avantage / benefit (un) Avertissement /warning (un) Avocat / lawyer (une) Arme / weapon Assister / to attend Attendre / to wait (un) B é n é fice / profit (une) Biblioth è que / library (une) Chance / luck (un) Caract è re / personality Charger / to load (un) Coll è ge / middle school Commander / to order Compr é hensif / un...